OT: Re: Why the police are listening to your calls and why Congress won't stop them

George Toft george at georgetoft.com
Fri Oct 17 08:01:06 MST 2014

I love how the media blames the law for not keeping up with technology.  
If the law said "Thou shalt not monitor citizen's communications except 
with a warrant signed by a judge accompanied by articulate probable 
cause" it wouldn't matter about the tech used - monitoring, whether by 
tapping a wire, or MitM cell tower attacks is still monitoring.  The 
problem is the law is purposely written to be obsolete, which ensures 
the law makers have a job in the future.


George Toft

On 9/4/2014 8:27 AM, techlists at phpcoderusa.com wrote:
> This is LOCAL Gov.  Notice how they hide that they have this 
> equipment.  They are forced to sign a non-disclosure.
> http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/police-listening-calls-congress-wont-stop/ 
> Keith
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