OT: html coding question - Thanks

Kevin Fries kevin at fries-biro.com
Thu Nov 20 12:56:14 MST 2014

Be very careful with this "feature".  I can not count the number of sites
where they lost my business because it was not done well.  Some of these
sites will see "Android" or "iOS" and just assume its a phone.  Then I hit
it on my 10.2" tablet, and it looks stupid.  Often, these sites are "auto
detecting" and don't just default, so there is no way to ask for the
regular site.  When done well, its nice when the site is smart enough to
offer a good default and also offer to not filter and deliver the regular
HTML page.  Also, make sure that if you do offer mobile, and you have a
link to deliver the full page instead, that this option sticks as you move
throughout the site.  I have one utility pay site that f's up when I go to
it with the tablet, but offers the "pc" page.  Click on it, and it will fix
the page you are on... click a link, and you are back to the "mobile"
version... click on the "pc" link again, and it takes you back the the main
page.  If this was a business I had an option to not do business with (its
our local utility and I am stuck with them), I wouldn't.  So as I said, be
careful and test, test, test

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 10:52 AM, <joe at actionline.com> wrote:

> Thanks Eric and Nathan!
> -----------
> > There are many frameworks which do what you want, namely
> > bootstrap or Foundation. I think ultimately what you want
> > is css @media queries. Do some digging on that and search
> > for detecting media type or screen size and displaying
> > a specific css for that device.
> -----------
> > Joe asked:
> >> Is there a way to set up an html page so that it will be
> >> displayed at one size on a mobile device, but then make all
> >> of the multiple small images that make up the html page scaled
> >> down to a different (much smaller) size on a desktop computer?
> ---------------------------------------------------
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