Fwd: dnscheck, in memory of Larry Thiel

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Mon Mar 31 12:07:19 MST 2014

Here's a little something that Larry left for us, some time ago in fact. 
It's a handy little script for determining what sort of response time 
you're getting from various dns resolvers.

I think it's pretty nice piece of code as is, though as he mentioned, it 
could still use a little improvement. I don't know if a newer version 
ever came about or not. Someone may want to 'dig' into it a little. (pun 

Thanks Larry.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	dnscheck
Date: 	Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:15:40 -0700
From: 	Dazed_75 <lthielster at gmail.com>
To: 	Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net>
CC: 	Todd Cole <tcole3737 at hotmail.com>, "der. hans" <PLUG at lufthans.com>, 
Dennis Kibbe <DennisKibbe at gmail.com>

Next version is done.  I would appreciate comments.  I know it has mixed 
styles which I would like to fix.  And I learned today that the seq 
keyword for looping a series is denigrated so should fix that.  But 
mostly I wanted to hear any suggestions for feature changes.  One I 
thought should be done is to put the common dns server info in a config 

Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain 
occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.
   - Thomas Jefferson

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