OT : Best Reseller Hosting

David Schwartz newsletters at thetoolwiz.com
Thu Mar 27 14:58:55 MST 2014

This borders on a religious debate, and such discussions can go on indefinitely with each side bringing up problems they’ve had ad nauseum. Every hosting company is going to have problems now and then. That’s not a discussion about “what’s best” — it’s a bunch of complaints about what’s not working now and then.

What’s “best” depends on your priorities and what’s important to you.

I’ve had a reseller acct at HostGator for several years. Since they got bought, their servers seem to be a bit more overloaded than before.

I’d suggest you check out hosting at NameCheap.com as an alternative.

Another alternative I’ve learned about recently is Amazon’s EC2 cloud hosting. It’s free to set up a virtual host (like a VMWare instance in the cloud), and they only charge you for bandwidth and resources past a certain point.


On Mar 27, 2014, at 2:20 PM, keith smith <klsmith2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I do not sell or provide hosting.  I use reseller hosting because I have a number of websites I need to host and a number I am potentially going to work on....
> I am familiar with HostGator, and see Blue Host also provides reseller hosting.  Any suggestions?  I'm looking for a good host.
> Here are some I found.
> http://www.hostgator.com/resellers
> https://www.site5.com/resellers/web/
> http://www.bluehost.com/reseller
> http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/reseller-hosting.aspx - this is a VPS
> http://www.greengeeks.com/reseller-hosting/
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!!
> Keith
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