what did I just do?

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Mon Jul 28 13:42:50 MST 2014

Typing "cd" all by itself always takes you to your home directory.  I 
use it all the time to get back home.
Putting a -- usually signals to a program that you have put your last 
option and the next item(s) will be a file or something else 
"non-optiony".  That allows you to do stuff like:

mkdir -- -test
ls -d -- -test
rmdir -- -test

All of the above commands would fail if you removed the -- because they 
would interpret the -test as a(n) option(s).

Anyway, by putting in cd --, all the system saw was cd all by itself 
because there wasn't anything after the --

Brian Cluff

On 07/28/2014 01:26 PM, Michael Havens wrote:
> I was trying to co up a level with 'cd ..', I messed up and typed in 'cd
> --'. what it appeared to do is take me to my home directory. I'm kind of
> afraid to do anything because I don't know what happened. ohhhh I think
> I know... '--' is an option statement and so not putting the option ii
> is like just saying 'cp'. Thanks for listening..... this has been a
> public service announcement.
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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