Take a Flag = Win a Raspberry PI -> Hackfest at DeVry Today

PLUG Announcements plug-announce at lists.phxlinux.org
Sat Feb 8 09:37:36 MST 2014

We have a Rasberry Pi flag prize today at the Phoenix Linux User Group
Hackfest @ DeVry on Dunlap in Phoenix.

Need a small circuit board you can install Backtrack5r3 or Kali Linux on?
 Plugs in everywhere you would never expect a computer?

Check us out:  http://it-clowns.com/c/index.php/hackfests/February


(503) 754-4452 Android
(623) 239-3392 Skype
(623) 688-3392 Google Voice
it-clowns.com <http://it-clowns.com/c/>
Chief Clown
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