USB writes

George Toft george at
Tue Feb 4 21:06:24 MST 2014

Back in 2005-2006, I made a few firewalls using 1GB SD cards.  They all 
lasted 4 years running smoothwall with continuous logging.

If you want to make it last longer, put /var/log and /tmp in RAM using 
tmpfs, then periodically (once/day), make backups of the tmpfs and store 
it on the SD card.  I then altered init to create the tmpfs, copy the 
files from SD card to tmpfs.  It worked fine until init was updated by 
yum.  Oops :)


George Toft

On 2/3/2014 10:46 AM, Daniel Stasinski wrote:
> Still true last time I checked but they use a lot of techniques to 
> mitigate the problem.  They write to different locations and I'm told 
> some have far more memory space internally than is available to 
> decrease the amount of writes to any given address.   My first USB 
> drives lasted maybe a year at most but I have a few now that are 7 
> years or older.
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at 
> <mailto:bmike1 at>> wrote:
>     I remember that USB drives used to be good for a limited amount of
>     writes. Is that still true?
>     :-)~MIKE~(-:
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