OT: Eclipse -vs- Titanium

Joseph Sinclair plug-discussion at stcaz.net
Mon Dec 15 18:42:31 MST 2014

Titanium is some tools and scripts added to the Eclipse platform, so there's not much difference between Eclipse and Titanium.  If you really love Eclipse, try Titanium and see if it makes the job easier.

Android Studio is based on the (also open source) IntelliJ IDEA IDE.  It's the officially supported IDE for Android because Eclipse is too blasted hard to extend to work well with things like the Gradle build system Android uses.

Any IDE can build an Android App with the ADT (Android equivalent of an SDK), but it's a ton easier with Android Studio because it has wizards and tools to make Android development smoother and simplify some of the tedious bits.
Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, VisualStudio, vi, emacs, etc...  All work and any could be used based on your personal preference, but I'd recommend trying Android Studio (and keeps it around to at least help with generating some of the boilerplate, even if you flesh things out after that in another IDE).

On 12/15/2014 11:20 AM, joe at actionline.com wrote:
> Do any of you PLUG friends have experience with both Eclipse and Titanium?  If so, which do you consider to be the best tool to use to develop Android apps?
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