Finding cruft

der.hans PLUGd at
Mon Oct 28 22:50:02 MST 2013

Am 28. Oct, 2013 schwätzte Dazed_75 so:

moin moin,

> On one of my machines I have two partitions for Ubuntu.  They are mounted
> as / and /home.  I am getting a message saying the root filesystem is
> nearly full.  When I run df -h, it shows me that /dev/sda5 is mounted as /
> and had 13.5 GB of 14 GB used.  After I cleaned up some old kernels, unused
> packages and a couple of other thing, it showed something like 11.5 GB of
> 14 GB used.
> My question is:  What is the best way to find what else is overcrowding /?
> In other words to do something like run du but restrict it to /dev/sda5.
> Sorry, I am on a Windows system ATM.

Try 'du -sh /root /lib* /usr /var /tmp' is a good start. /root should
be small, but can pick up cruft. In your case probably not since it's a
self-adminned system using sudo :). Normally I would also include /boot,
but if you removed old kernel packages that should be rather small.

Most likely you'll be cleaning out /tmp if you don't boot very often or
something in /var.


#  If you don't think for yourself, others will think for you --
#  to their advantage.  -- Harold Gordon

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