wireless keyboard security

Matt Graham mhgraham at crow202.org
Fri Nov 8 11:45:58 MST 2013

> On 11/08/2013 07:43 AM, George Toft wrote:
>> The threat is real, but the probability is very low, unless you
>> have other factors in your life that would bring about the
>> surveillance van, then the game is up - nothing you can do will
>> save you.

Worth noting again.  If They have significantly more resources than you 
do, and They want to mess with you, all you can do is make it a bit 
harder for Them to do that.  (Not just government, either; the PLUG 
Security Cabal could probably 0wn my wireless access point if they 
wanted to drive to my house and spend several hours parked near it....)

On 2013-11-08 08:50, Derek Trotter wrote:
> had a wireless mouse noticed the mouse pointer moving around the
> screen by itself.  Turned out his neighbor also had a wireless mouse.

...of a similar make/model?  I would hope that wireless mouse 
manufacturers have accounted for this problem and made it a little 
better by now.

> the RF noise given off by a crt and use it to generate an image of
> what was being displayed on the monitor.

Van Eck Phreaking--it's not just in _Cryptonomicon_ , it can be a real 
thing.  It's a bit harder to do this with LCDs, IIRC.

> wired keyboards and mice work, so why bother with wireless ones.  I've
> talked to people who have had wireless mice and keyboard and had
> trouble with the batteries giving out

Battery life on wireless $FOO has gotten a lot better.  It takes months 
before I have to swap out the batteries on my wireless Rock Band guitar 
controller.  But wired keyboards/mice are cheaper and you never have to 
change their batteries.

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