Fwd: cellphones

Joseph Sinclair plug-discussion at stcaz.net
Sat May 4 07:30:00 MST 2013

Google cannot be a carrier; they lead the Android ecosystem and they own Motorola.  Owning software, manufacture, and carrier together would cause no end of problems with the FTC (they had a hard enough time just combining software and manufacture).
Also, being a carrier requires billions in wireless spectrum licenses that aren't available, the existing (large) carriers already have all the spectrum.  That's why Dish wants to buy Clearwire and Sprint so much, to get their spectrum licenses.

Google is far better off building the O/S, the ecosystem, (some of) the hardware, and the internet services, and letting others innovate to find ways around the current "telco mentality" in the carriers.

On 05/04/2013 06:00 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
> but you have to have pre-existing service. I think they should be a carrier.
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Nadim Hoque <nadimhoque at gmail.com> wrote:
>> They do and it's called Google voice. You just have to install the app. As
>> far as I know it pretty much supports all smart phones.
>> On May 3, 2013 10:32 PM, "Michael Havens" <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> when do you think google will get into cellular technology? it would be
>>> great... they would sell non-locked phones and we would use google-voice as
>>> the interface. (no problem) I used to have an internet card (plug the card
>>> in and you have internet) from sprint like 8 years ago, they should use
>>> that tech. Someone needs to talk to google about this!
>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:

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