control of desktop from laptop

Paul Mooring paul at
Sun Jul 28 15:02:04 MST 2013

There's some software called synergy for this, I use it to control a windows desktop from the mouse/keyboard on my Mac, but it has Linux support too

Paul Mooring
Operations Engineer
Opscode, Inc.

On Jul 28, 2013, at 2:59 PM, "Michael Havens" <bmike1 at> wrote:

> That question may be of interest to the few readers of this list that haven't blocked me yet. :) Is there  a way to make it so you can control another computer (one connected to a television) from another (a laptop). This includes the mouse. And then how would you make it so the tv is used as your monitor from the laptop w/o a vga cable. I figure this is possible because I can control xbmc with a remote control from the laptop.
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