back ups for Yarnell or other out of the way places

der.hans PLUGd at
Wed Jul 10 16:13:12 MST 2013

Am 10. Jul, 2013 schwätzte Betty I so:

moin moin betty,

> I have 1 Tb drive that I usually take up there and rsync as needed. I keep
> that drive in a safe if i'm not taking it up there. That way unless both my
> houses burn down, not too likely (since there's no fuel up there anymore)
> or get buried in a mudslide... i should still have a backup.

Since you have two locations, you could be your own cloud. Even if it's
just dialup up there, you can rsync if you have patience.

Carry a copy the first time, then just copy up changes over the network.

> Speeds are pretty slow up there. there is only satellite or dial up (hah!)
> or verizon hot spot. Also I don't trust cloud back ups. (i came of age in
> the 60's).

So you'll also want to make sure the data is encrypted at least at
whichever place you generally consider to be the remote location.

> I'll be getting verizon in November, so i'll be able to tell how the speeds
> are then.

The issue with a cell provider is that you'll run into maximum data
transfers, but they might be more than you could possible transfer with a
modem in a month :).

> From going up there today, i can tell you the presence of helping agencies
> is incredible. County, red cross, salvation army, churches, even the
> buddhists !
> really nice.

Glad to hera your community is getting support.


# "I have no special talents, I am only passionately
# curious." -- Albert Einstein

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