vlc movie player

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Fri Jan 25 19:41:23 MST 2013

That sounds like you may have a video file with some serious issues, 
like it's lost it's timing index or something.


On 01/25/2013 05:06 PM, Michael Havens wrote:
> well, I upgraded from mint 13 to 14 in the hopes that would fix my video
> woes but that didn't help any. I also increased the cache for vlc (a
> possible solution) but that was not a help as well. So I have to choose
> between vlc, totem, and mplayer; vlc freezes at the first frame while
> audio continues normally; totem plays slowly and the audio stops after
> saying, 'Hello Michael' (the first sound on the video) but it doesn't
> seem to have any interlacing associated with the video; mplayer needs
> deinterlacing and the video is slow but the audio plays normally. So vlc
> has the least wrong with it:D Any ideas on what to do?
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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