How to eliminate nepomuk, akonadi, and all tagging?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Fri Jan 25 08:53:42 MST 2013

From: Brian Cluff 
> Joe wrote:
>> How can I completely eliminate nepomuk, akonadi, and all tagging
>> and indexing, etc.?
> The fact is the kde system is compiled against these things

It is in most distros.  It doesn't *have* to be.  If you're using Gentoo, and
you build your KDE packages with USE_FLAGS="-semantic-desktop" , then there
won't be any nepomuk/akonadi.  Or there shouldn't be.  I tried doing this, but
apparently there are problems building kmail and/or some parts of kdepim with
semantic-desktop turned off.  I didn't spend that much time trying to fix
those, and that was several months ago, so they may have been fixed.

Also, Gentoo is not for everybody.

> Turn on nepomuk and let it finish cataloging your system... it will 
> get out of your way if you let it finish and then become a huge asset 
> that you won't even notice is running.

"Huge asset"?  I'd think that building a DB of machine-readable data in files
would only be useful if your data is badly organized.  This is just me,
though; I can usually remember where I put things and I know how to make a
directory tree with dir names that make sense and are mostly organized. 

>> I like *many* aspects of KDE that do not seem to be available on any 
>> other environment; however, it seems to force on users many things that
>> intrusive and unwanted nuisances such as the annoying cashew,

Nobody seems to agree on which features are absolutely necessary and which are
needless bloat.  And because it's so difficult to make Really Cool New
Features modular, the end result is that we end up with every single
calculator/clock widget using 400 different libraries to post status updates
to your Google+.

> Many of the special effects are on because they can actually make your 
> system faster by offloading things to the GPU instead of requiring the 
> CPU to handle them.

My video card's 7 years old.  The CPU might actually be faster than the GPU in
my case.  

>> I do not want image tagging, indexing, cataloging. How can I
>> completely eliminate all of that (to me) nuisance garbage?
> KDE 4 is built around these services, that's why they refer to KDE
> 4 as the social desktop.

Huh?  I'm really not sure how indexing/tagging things relates to posting silly
details about your cat to MyTweetLameSpace.  ("The anti-social desktop". 
ISAGN.)  Then again, it seems like a lot of things being done on the desktop
right now stem from "this would look cool", not "this would be useful".

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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