OT: Java vs PHP

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 20 12:24:55 MST 2013


I am in the process of planning a web project.  I'm thinking possibly using Java.  To this point I have done all my web projects using PHP.  I know there will be a learning curve.

My main question is the availability of Java programmers.  It seems there is a lot of PHP talent available for PHP projects.  I like that there is a lot of availability of PHP programmer because that makes my apps supportable if I move on or am otherwise not available.  

I have not met a lot of Java programmers, so I assume they are not available the same way PHP programmers are.  In other words I think I can visit Gang Plank HQ and find a hand full of PHP programmers that I would fee good about pulling into a project.  I'm not sure I can say the same with Java programmers, however I have not paid much attention when it comes to Java programmers.  

You thoughts are much appreciated!!  


Keith Smith
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