2nd windows tech support scam call

kitepilot at kitepilot.com kitepilot at kitepilot.com
Thu Jan 10 12:46:48 MST 2013


I get those scam calls all the time in Skype, I always block the $ucker.
Next time I'll do better. 

I'll tell him/her (as I've done in the past with telemarketers):
GEE, THANKS!, I'm so glad you called, I *REALLY* need your help!
Can you hold for a second please? 

And then I put the phone down and hang it up when I hear the 
'disconnected-call' buzzer...


keith smith writes: 

> I got another call from "Computer Tech Support".  The guy sounded Indian and said his name was Eric.  He asked if my computer was running slow and I played along.  Within a minute he asked me to go to TeamViewer.com so he could access my computer.  When I asked what the name of his company was he hung up.  The caller ID showed 645-781-2458 with name unavailable.  I called the number and got a message that my call could not be completed. 
> 2 times in 2 days. 
> ------------------------ 
> Keith Smith

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