kids android

Joseph Sinclair plug-discussion at
Fri Jan 4 17:04:02 MST 2013

I'll address your requirements in a list:
1) Multiple Accounts
  Any Android 4.2 or later has this already
2) Parental Controls
  a) Limit apps
    Android and Google Play Store, just don't setup the kid account with any cards, and use gift cards to fund the few apps you want him to have
    Add a PIN on the "Wallet" usage and don't tell him the PIN
  b) time limits
    This, currently, requires a third-party app.
  c) time limit per app
    Same as (2)(b)
3) No Online account
  You're out of luck here with Android; Android generally requires a google account to buy apps, and for a bunch of other features.  It's *possible* to use without an account, but not terribly useful.
4) Not fail if several days without internet
  If it's turned off, it won't care.  If it's turned on, just disable background sync and sync manually once in a while, Android will be fine in that mode.  You can disable background sync on the "kid" account but leave it enabled on the "adult" account if you like (but then you should connect it to WiFi every couple days, just to limit the 10-minute-lockup-to-sync issue).
5) bumpers for safety and resilience
  Either built in, or you can add a high-strength case option to any Android tablet; such as a Nexus 10 or Nexus 7.  The advantage of adding a case is that you can choose a Nexus device for better value and *much* earlier upgrades.
6) gorilla glass (or similar)
  Many tablets have this, or something similar.  The current Nexus tablets have hardened glass fronts.
7) Android (recent preferred)
  Not Amazon (forked 2.x).  Otherwise most decent tablets meet this requirement.

Based on the above I'd actually get a Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 (depending on which size you want, and how much you're willing to spend).
I'd add a high quality bumper case (these are just examples from a quick search) like this: or this:
I'd also add a film-type screen protector overlay, just to have a little scratch protection on the screen in case the little guy decides that the sound of keys clattering on glass might be funny.

With those, I'd then enable "my" account, and have my apps, settings, etc...
I'd also enable the "Kid" account, with far fewer apps, a restricted Google account, $5 Google Play gift card for apps (mostly used on the few purchased apps), Lookout for Android, and a good Parental Controls app (with a separate and very hard password).

That's it; meets nearly all of your requirements (except the made-here, which I suspect is nearly impossible at this point, and no-account-needed, as described in item (3) ), and it's a nice tablet at a good price point.

I hope that helps.

On 01/03/2013 11:03 PM, der.hans wrote:
> moin moin,
> trying to get an Android tablet for my son. I would like something
> purchased here rather than as a direct import from whereever.
> I want multiple accounts and parental controls. The main reason for the
> controls at this point is to limit which apps he can get to and put time
> limits on the use of his account. I'd also like to have time limits per
> app, but that's a wishlist item.
> I definitely want parental controls that do not require an online account.
> I want as little 3rd party tracking of him and his tablet as possible. I
> also want something that's not going to bork up because it goes many days
> without an internet connection.
> If it weren't for me wanting to use it I'd just go without wifi and want
> a USB connection for package updates :).
> I found a bunch at toysrus that look OK, but the one I got immediately
> wants me to create an account for parental controls :(. It looks like they
> might all require that :(.
> Has anyone found a parental controls app that doesn't require online
> tracking? Preferably it would be FLOSS licensed.
> In the end I really just need a tablet with bumpers, multiple accounts and
> parental controls. I would like gorilla glass as well, but will do my best
> to just keep him from trying to put anything through the screen :).
> I also want something with a recent version of android and would prefer
> something that's probably going to have updated versions.
> I'll probably go with Cyanogenmod, Plasma or Ubuntu for my next tablet,
> but for the child device I'd prefer something with a support chain. I also
> want to be able to use the Google market to get adult apps like my speed
> reader and German news site apps.
> I keep watching for the ZaTab to be available again :).
> ciao,
> der.hans

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