How to use clonezilla to copy just one partition?

kitepilot at kitepilot at
Thu Jan 3 13:24:01 MST 2013

In order to refresh GRUB2 (and I believe nobody is still using 'old' GRUB) 
you can: 

boot with a live CD.
mount your new partition to /mnt
mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
chroot /mnt
Pray...   :)


Matt Graham writes: 

> From: "kitepilot"
>> Hello Joe, if I was you I'd forget about [using] Clonezilla [to clone
>> one machine to another machine] and go either rsync or tar:  
>> I'd boot with a CD (Debian live is perfect) and: 
>> rsync -xaHDC --super /my/mounted/partition \
>> root at remotebox:/my/new/partition
> While this will copy all the files from the old partition on the old machine
> to the new partition on the new machine, it won't do a thing about the
> bootloader.  That means the new machine won't be able to boot Linux, since you
> haven't installed GRUB.  Installing GRUB should be relatively easy, though: 
> # N is the GRUB device number of your /boot, or your / if you don't
> # have a /boot
> # sda1 = (hd0,0) , sda2 = (hd0,1) , etcetera.
> livecd-on-new-machine:~# grub
> grub> root(hd0,N) # tells GRUB where to look for its files
> grub> setup(hd0)  # installs GRUB to MBR/slackspace of first disk
> grub> quit        # done 
> Or try grub-install.  Note that these steps probably won't work for GRUB2 or
> GPT partition tables, so modify that if you're dealing with those things. 
> -- 
> Matt G / Dances With Crows
> The Crow202 Blog:
> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see 
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