OT: Excess files

kitepilot at kitepilot.com kitepilot at kitepilot.com
Thu Dec 5 21:21:55 MST 2013

> I know how to capture a list of files, but how can I...
Install Cygwin (http://cygwin.com/) an do a 'find' on /cygwin/c/

joe at actionline.com writes: 

> Another reason to despise M$ ... 
> On my wife's win-xp laptop, a huge number of files seem to have showed up
> and I have no idea why or what they are for.  Hundreds of them seem to be
> in these sub-directories: 
> C:\I386\IIS6.CAB
> How can I figure out what they are for and/or if they can just be safely
> deleted (I hope). 
> On my Linux systems, I know how to capture a list of files, but how can I
> do that (via the command line?) on her win-xp machine so I could post
> them on a web page. 

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