Samba - The bane of my existence (smb.conf)

James Dugger james.dugger at
Wed Aug 21 19:37:20 MST 2013


Sorry for the confusion.  Based on your description, If I understand you
the Linux box is your client (not a samba server) and the WD N750 router is
acting as a NAS (Network Sttached Storage) device, by virtue of the
connected usb drives.

First, if the above is correct than your Linux box does not need to be
configured as a Samba server.  Samba installs with (amoung other more
things) to basic features a samba-server and a samba-client.  Since you are
not maintaining files and folders on your Linux box that thw Windows
machine needs to access then you do not need the server portion of samba
running and configured in you Linux box.  The purpose of the smb.conf file
is to configure the Linux box as a server.  Since you are not serving files
from this compture the smb.conf is doing nothing.  It has no bearing or
ability to configure the router.

Every major Linux distribution's file management application (for Ubuntu
pre 13.04) This is Nautilus and Network Manager comes with Samba-client
functionality builtin into their applications.  Because of this Nautilus
can see Windows (and other) Shares residing on computers it can see on your

What this all means is that your router is controlling the share
accessibility not the Linux box.  The accessiblity to shares on the router
must be set up there not with Samba.

If you can see the external drive shares from your Linux boxes file manager
(Nautilus or other) and you are prompted for a password then Based on the
WD N750 manual if you setup usernane and password for your external storage
shared access (on the router), you would enter this when prompted. If you
did not set up userame and password than the manual says to enter "guest".

I hope this is helpful.  Let me know if it doesn't work or there are more

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Wayne Davis <waydavis at>wrote:

> I installed webmin...   3 hours screwing around with webmin.   ZERO
> progress.  I even purged all purgable files regarding samba and
> reisintalled.
> On 08/21/2013 05:30 AM, Stephen wrote:
>> If you want a basic share and no password you could create a share that
>> is guest access only and then force an internal user and group. I do not
>> currently have a Linux file server up and running or I would share my conf
>> file with you. Interestingly enough I have had the best success digesting
>> options and settings for samba using webmin. Better than any GUI tool by
>> far.
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