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Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Fri Nov 30 11:00:19 MST 2012

From: James Finstrom
> Fact a good chunk of my day is spent working as a google proxy for
> others. People lack common sense and the ability to type a few words
> in to google.

Most people gravitate towards the most convenient option.  I *really* hate
bothering people when I don't need to, so I tend to ask a search engine or
wiki first, because computers have infinite patience and people don't. 
People, though, can fuzzy-match and implement DWIM far better than computers
can.  This helps when the queries are fuzzy or badly formed.

> Sometimes the first, second forth page of google is irreverent

I'm sure you can have it return pages in {Spanish, Chinese, French,
Klingon...} preferentially.  If it could return pages that were irreverent,
that'd be a great boon to comedians and snarky cynics :-) .

> tl;dr for tl;dr Be excellent to each other.

Dude, like, this is totally not going to work unless we can get Eddie Van
Halen on this mailing list.  :-P

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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