OT: Time for substantive change.

Adam McCullough ajmccul1 at asu.edu
Fri Nov 16 11:53:46 MST 2012

Wouldn't you expect more voter turnout if people were really this irate
about the status quo? As well as more votes for minor-party candidates? :)

On 15 November 2012 16:26, JD Austin <jd at twingeckos.com> wrote:

> I'll second that. :)  Take away my motivation/reward to do more than I
> need to and guess what... I'll stop.   Health care is expensive mostly
> because of governmental regulations/bureaucracy.  If I created a medical
> device that would magically cure cancer guess what my odds would be of
> getting it in the hands of a Doctor legally?  Almost zero unless I had
> enough money to grease the way.  If they wanted to make healthcare
> affordable they'd band all of the governmental agencies in the world that
> act as gatekeepers into one partnership and once a drug/device is in it's
> in for everywhere *and vice versa.*
> Our federal government somehow took the power that was supposed to reside
> in the states and the people using the commerce clause (and because they
> got away with it enough to make it 'normal').  They take money from one
> state and give it to another with strings attached to maintain their
> power... then of course if you look at our money itself it's not based on
> anything tangible and the Federal Govt can have the Federal reserve print
> money whenever they need more.  I'd rather pay ALL of my taxes to AZ and
> let AZ decide how much it can give to the Federal Govt. Not that it'll ever
> happen.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 4:08 PM, keith smith <klsmith2020 at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> What if we turn that on it head - 180 degrees out and say anyone who does
>> not what to follow the Constitution should find a place where they fit in.
>> It's about the Constitution and nothing else.
>> If someone wants to be a socialist why not move to a socialist country?
>> ------------------------
>> Keith Smith
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