ubuntu 12.04 intel fake raid

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Tue Jul 24 12:26:43 MST 2012

Fake raid is asking for trouble from everything I've heard.

If I were faced with this situation, I would create a virtual machine 
(for virtualbox or vmware player) from the existing windoze system, then 
start from scratch, turn off fake rake, install distro of choice with 
software raid, then install VB or Player to run the windoze system.

-Eric 'shubes'

On 07/24/2012 11:42 AM, Nadim Hoque wrote:
> That is the problem, it already has windows on it and it will be a pain
> to reinstall it. Thanks for the help guys.
> Nadim Hoque
> From: Matt Graham
> Sent: 7/24/2012 11:37
> To: Main PLUG discussion list
> Subject: Re: ubuntu 12.04 intel fake raid
> From: Nadim Hoque <nadimhoque at gmail.com>
>> I was trying to install ubuntu 12.04
> Maybe not the greatest idea.  People seem to be griping about various things
> in Ubuntu all the time.  But if you want that....
>> using a intel fake raid mirroring both drives.  the partitioner [for the
>> Ubuntu fancy GUI installer] seems to be displaying /dev/mappper/raid_name
>> as well as the [actual] partitions on both hard drives because the
>> partitions are listed twice.
> Of course.  If the kernel has modules for this fakeRAID chip, you'll see both
> the fakeRAID and the real disks.  You may need to do something to the real
> disks, after all, so the kernel makes those available.  If you really want to
> use the fakeRAID, then don't touch the real disks, and just use the fakeRAID.
> If this is just going to be a Linux box, and not dual-boot, you may wish to go
> into the fakeRAID controller's BIOS setup/whatever and tell it to leave the
> disks alone.  Then you can use Linux softRAID, which may work faster and won't
> be tied to that particular motherboard.
>> Now I am not relying on ubuntu, but I can use centos or even fedora
> The distro doesn't really matter here.  You just need something with a recent
> enough kernel.  If Ubuntu 12 can find the fakeRAID, it's almost certain that
> CentOS 6 can find it too.

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