networking problem

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Tue Jul 10 14:47:00 MST 2012

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:29 PM, James Dugger <james.dugger at>wrote:

>  which direction and from what machine is it running.  Are you using rsync
>> installed on the laptop to push and/or pull data to the desktop or the
>> other way around?
The laptop can both pull and push the data. The desktop can do neither. T
issued command is:
rsync -vva --exclude=.*mozilla* --exclude=.*chromium* ~/
bmike2 at;rsync
-vva --exclude=.*mozilla* --exclude=.*chromium*
bmike2 at

> Do you have a router or other gateway device port forwarding between the
>> desktop and the laptop, any user set firwall settings in ufw you have added?
> Nothing  has been added to ufw and and my router is just the modem.

*3- Static IP addresses? I know I set them up as static when I first set it
>> up and with each new install they didn't change so I never bothered making
>> sure they were static again. It is bad of me but i  just assumed everything
>> was cool.  *I would double check these first in /etc/network/interfaces
>> for each system. Make sure you are using the right addresses.
So what do *I do*? Should I put the computers ip address in?.....
This is what I did and then I restarted the service on the desktop. But
when I tried to restart it on the laptop:

bmike1 at MikesLaptop:~$ sudo service ssh reload
ssh: unrecognized service
bmike1 at MikesLaptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
sudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found
bmike1 at MikesLaptop:~$

so this means ssh is not running on the laptop? Then why does it rsync only
from the laptop
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