OT: If you like sword fighting and supporting your country's team

AZ RUNE arizona.rune at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 12:46:40 MST 2012


At USAKNIGHTS.ORG  there are a group of men going to Poland this year for
the Olympics of sword fighting.


Here is a word from the team captain.

Thank you for visiting our site and learning about our first team to
compete in the Battle of the Nations. Assembled here are brave men,
courageous men of honor, loyalty and chivalry. Each man possesses these
grand and noble qualities. However as a team, assembled we are warriors,
terrifying, resolute and determined for victory in a brutal sport pursuing
armoured combat against the very best in the world. We bring to this sport
the chivalry we know is just and true, showing the world our true metal of
arms and honor, We are ready to represent the United States to show  the
world that we dominate all we desire. It's too bad for the world that in
this arena we desire victory.

For many, this deed of arms represents the culmination of a life's pursuit
of armoured combat. There is something you should know about these men. In
their own right they are great men. They are family men, working men and
patriotic men. But also many of these men come from other organizations and
groups where armoured combat is a way to gain great renown. Within these
groups these men come with titles like knight, squire, duke, and even king.
There are others who come with no title and only the desire to compete.
What is interesting is all these men come here and accept no title at all.
They come simply as John, Mike, William and such... with their own identity
ready to prove themselves once again in a new realm ready to have their
swords speak for them. We are gathered here in the same spirit that makes
our nation great, the equal opportunity to succeed.

I have known many of the team members personally for many years, others I
have simply known of them through their deed of arms. I must admit I
sometimes feel unworthy to be in their company and at the same time feel
the weight of the honor which is given me to stand side by side in this
coming battle.

Every man here is going through hardship and pain to get to this point.
This sport is not cheap and each team member and team supporter has spent a
great deal of time and money to make sure they bring their best to this
competition. If you can find some way to help these brave souls represent
your country in competition, your support is appreciated. Maybe you would
like to join our ranks as a team member. Maybe you would like to join us as
we venture overseas. This team was not created simply by wishing. Many
people are needed to make this happen. An army does not travel on deeds
alone. Maybe you would simply like to make a donation to help defray the
cost of this web page, travel expenses, or necessities while at the event.
Pick out a fighter and sponsor him. Even if only in your heart, give your

I say this to the members of the team. All that's said about you is true in
your hearts. Now make it true in deeds, prove me right. Find the fire in
your belly the passion that is deep in your bones. Assemble now for glory,
honor and country. I could not be with more honored company.

In service to the team,

Captain James

Brian Fields
arizona.rune at gmail.com
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til
they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
if it isn't armour, or you can't take it to bed, it isn't worth havin'
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