GnuCash for Android

Michael Butash michael at
Sun Aug 19 06:48:27 MST 2012

That's actually pretty cool, if I were actually able to ever get gnucash 
setup decently to use it.  Not from lack of trying, I've attempted 
probably no less than 4 times over the past 5 years or so to get it 
working in efforts to track finances more effectively, but never once 
got the hbci stuff working with my bank(s) to do so.  That bit was quite 
cryptic and frustrating - maybe an android interface will water it down 
enough to make it usable to a layperson.

That and the accounting knowledge required to use it effectively simply 
eludes me as much seemed to assume I actually understood accounting. 
Accounting and finances are like geek kryptonite, neither interesting or 
intuitive enough to actually stick with to make it work.  I'd probably 
just buy Quicken if they actually made a native linux version.


On 08/19/2012 12:17 AM, der.hans wrote:
> moin moin,
> ciao,
> der.hans

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