OT--SATA problem

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Fri Sep 16 12:53:32 MST 2011

I'd stay away from Promise if possible. ;)

On 09/16/2011 12:35 PM, Mark Jarvis wrote:
> Thanks to all who responded.
> Red face time.
> I just checked Tiger Direct--they have several SATA cards from $20 to
> $60. Any particular brand you recommend to a) use or b) stay away from?
> -mj-
> Eric Shubert wrote:
>> The problem I referred to was with software/linux raid and raw drives
>> on the promise controller. Just to be clear.
>> As you said they seem to work fine as standalone (no raid) drives.
>> On 09/16/2011 09:27 AM, Stephen wrote:
>>> I have never liked promise raid, too flaky. but as just raw drives
>>> they are very nice.
>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Eric Shubert<ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
>>>> On 09/15/2011 08:29 PM, Stephen wrote:
>>>>> I have a promise sata1 cars with two ports on it.
>>>> I have a promise pci 4 port sata3 card. These work ok, so long as
>>>> you don't
>>>> put a raid-5 array on it. There used to be (2 years or so ago) a
>>>> fairly rare
>>>> problem with software raid and these cards. I don't know if the problem
>>>> applies to other raid types or not, nor whether the problem has been
>>>> fixed.
>>>> --
>>>> -Eric 'shubes'
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-Eric 'shubes'

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