phone stuff

betty nicepenguin at
Sun Oct 23 13:27:10 MST 2011

Thanks to all, I am glad I posted on the weekend so it did not take any 
valuable time away from linux stuff! I have to agree with the argument 
that although i don't trust anyone  really, (having been 20 in early 
1970) i trust apple less than google, and i don't do anything that is 
illegal.  So basically everyone seems to back up the general view that  
apple is not intrinsically better than google and if i really get geeky 
and paranoid i can go to cyanogenMod (really like that).  Am saving this 
whole list of answers to mete out to my son if he keeps on about the 
wonders of apple...heehee even though one can't even change their own 
battery on an iphone.

I feel that an open source community is an improvement on the commercial 
in a learning application. (At least that is the case in medicine (my 
area)  and would be a vast improvement for society in general). Open 
source is basically peer-reviewed technology.

sincere thanks to everyone who responded, confirming my initial thoughts !
here is an interesting new idea in photography for those looking beyond 
the current digital options, if you haven't seen it check out this 
camera; using technology developed at Stanford years ago, a light field 
camera ; lytro <> I think it will be my next 
camera, and that very soon.

betty i.
information for people
who care for dogs.

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