Fwd: [VINUX-SUPPORT] Please Read: The future of Vinux

Technomage Hawke technomage.hawke at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 01:58:31 MST 2011

does anyone still in plug have any suggestions I can pass on. it seems that the original founder of VINUX has decided to retire and hand the reins over to other members of the development group. personally, starting a non-profit that can be reverted to the mainline community would work nicely and allow VINUX to remain a powerful representative force for the blind linux user.

thoughts? suggestions?


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Blaine Clark <thelight9 at comcast.net>
> Date: October 12, 2011 12:41:26 AM MST
> To: vinux-support at googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [VINUX-SUPPORT] Please Read: The future of Vinux
> Reply-To: vinux-support at googlegroups.com
> I know the ultimate purpose of Vinux is to get the Linux core to incorporate accessibility as a permanent mainline issue and then for Vinux to fade into history. As a local chapter of the Pennsylvania Council of the Blind we are chartered so that if we fold the chapter, all resources go to the state chapter. That's all paperwork and bank accounts. We have no office or equipment to liquidate since we're all volunteers and use our own homes and equipment. If Vinux is set up as a foundation and then in the future has no purpose and fades away, can a deal be struck with Linux core to absorb any and all of Vinux's non-private assets for the purpose of continued accessibility work? Or (and I really like this idea!) when Linux does incorporate solid focus on all forms of accessibility, could Vinux then alternate into a foundation for Linux for the purpose of continuing to educate, distribute and service accessible Linux to the public, private and business sectors? That would keep Vinux alive and powerful for a very long time, though as a slightly different entity, more into marketing and service to and for the visually impaired.
> Personally, I'd like to see Vinux go on forever! Long live Vinux! What a legacy to Tony!
> Either way, I think that we need to confer with Linux foundation brass and let them mull over the scenarios. What all can we come up with to present to them for these scenarios? Otherwise Vinux will have to remain a private entity and will probably lapse into
> obscurity when Linux does focus fully on accessibility.
> Do we have any business heads out there? We might want to draft up a few versions of bonafide business plans and see what surfaces when we have a couple solid ideas to build on.
> -- 
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