Ubuntu Linux losing popularity fast. New Unity interface to blame? | Royal Pingdom

Kevin Fries kevin at fries-biro.com
Wed Nov 30 11:30:28 MST 2011

On Wed, 2011-11-30 at 11:20 -0700, Eric Shubert wrote:
> I'm using Ubuntu LTS (10.4) on my workstation. That's due to be upgraded 
> with 12.4, at which time I'll need to make a decision. I'll evaluate 
> that version of Unity, but expect I might be going with GUbuntu, or else 
> go back to Fedora. I really don't want to be upgrading my workstation 
> every 6 months though.

Take a serious look at PinguyOS.  Its based upon Gnome Shell, and adds
some very awesome software back in that Ubuntu has either not included
(Gloobus-preview & Gloobus-sushi, Docky, etc) or Ubuntu has discontinued


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