How to convert cr2 (raw) image format to jpg?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Tue Nov 1 19:51:19 MST 2011

From: "Matt Graham" <danceswithcrows at>
> 1. convert FILE.cr2 FILE.jpg
> 2. if FILE.jpg is not an appropriate JPEG, or you get an error message...

> I've always grabbed files from my digicam as JPEG not RAW, but I could
> try grabbing one as RAW and trying /usr/bin/convert after dinner.

Well, #include<profanity.h> .  According to everything I'm seeing in The Fine
Manual for my camera, it won't record still images in anything but JPEG.  Joe,
if you want to send me a test RAW image for me to try to fiddle with, please
do so.  If it's over 8M, use split to split it up into 4M slices before
mailing it to me, or holler at me off-list and I'll get you a user account so
you can scp/WinSCP/sftp:// the file right to my webhost.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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