Steve Holmes steve at holmesgrown.com
Fri Jan 21 22:11:03 MST 2011

I hope your studying of emacs goes well.  I've wandered back and forth 
between emacs and emacs and I always keep gravitating back toward emacs. 
  I tend to use vim to do quick editing like in .conf files or a quick 
tweek to a shell script but any heavy editting like text e-mails and 
stuff, it's emacs for sure.  I purely use it in the console environment 
though and as a blind person, I use emacspeak with it which enables 
emacs to be like self-voicing.  Many of the different elisp applications 
in emacs like calendar, vm mailer, gnus news and mail reader, are all 
"speech enabled" so they will talk the appropriate information to the 
user.  Emacs is like its own little world though.  It has its own unique 
keystrokes and its own buffers and all but I do see how xwindows does 
share the buffer with emacs as I understand it.  I always have a place 
in my heart for good ol' emacs. <smile>

On 01/20/2011 03:12 PM, gk wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have perused the Youtube vids, and am going through the FSF manuals.
> The only thing is these manuals really don't give a clue on how to set
> up some apps that are installed. I think I found the area where the
> native apps come in on a base install of Emacs. I actually use it on
> KDE4. That's another whole topic in itself. But would like to migrate it
> to Sawfish since is it Lisp based. It's also seeming that I am able to
> kinda wrap my head around Lisp. Time will tell.
> After gathering all these materials. I'm trying to see if it will really
> be worth it in the long run. I've come from use VIM for so long, but
> mainly in its text editing.
> It's sounding like Emacs is actually highly stable in console and in
> GUI. I'm wondering on the GUI aspect can Emacs be backgrounded like
> Screen or Tmux and then reattached if something needs to be done
> remotely. I know that you can run a pletheora of console buffers inside
> of Emacs and do ssh/scp and the like. Which is cool. I think I've found
> a mail setup file, which is a lot of what I'm missing so I can get this
> going. Emacs keybindings are a lot like screen and irssi so no biggie
> there.
> Over all my main goal is stability. The learning curve is not an issue.
> If I learn Lisp all the better so when I get to the Sawfish WM it's easy
> to configure. I'm looking for consistency. I hate to have to change an
> app because it EOL's.. OR like KDE3.5.9 got shelved and KDE4 was a lemon
> up til this most recent version for me. Or an app is still active but
> crashes on one DE/WM but is stable on another. Emacs and everything that
> runs inside it seem to be it's own animal for sake of a different wordl
> It is highly transportable.
> Update I found a copy of 3rd Ed. GNU Emacs How To..
> VP
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> =d+7l
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