Hackfest - Today at NOON 260 Arizona Avenue - Beautiful Downtown Chandler, AZ

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Sat Feb 12 04:23:56 MST 2011

Someone evidently liberated a DVD from Last's Year BlackHat PWNSAUCE with
the event disk embossing and special additional source code from my table at
the last hackfest.  Please return it, or the MI team will have to repossess
your secret agent commission.

This message will self destruct in 60 seconds.

(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392

Next PLUG Security Team Saturday Noon - 15:00 Gangplankhq.com

Showcasing David Heurta's hayst.ac Browser History Obfuscation Firefox

Behind the scenes: Cisco WPA2-Enterprise network setup, management VLAN/VPN;

And planning for a) Hamachi Hackfest && b) LogMeIn Hackfest

Presentation Files (Use for LunchNLearn):
git metasploit resource files and ruby scripts
git Wifi scripts using aircrack-ng

other packages being collected now.

*Catch My MetaSploit & IP CAM Surveillance
Presentations @ ABLEConf.com in April!*
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