first tar file.

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Sat Dec 3 18:48:43 MST 2011

I made my first tar file just a few minutes ago! I wanted to put the new
kernel on the other machine too because from what I've read the 3.x.x
version of the kernel does all sorts of nice things. One of those nice
things is that it automatically defragments now. What other  nice things
have you discovered about it?

Anyways, there i go off on another tangent....As I was saying, what I did
is combined the three files together (with another with instructions to
install it) with tar  and emailed it to myself with the command:

     tar cjf *

So let's open this up to discussion. If you don't think that was the best
way to do it let's hear some constructive criticism.

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