Need a mail app for LARGE volumes of mail...

Stephen cryptworks at
Sun Sep 19 21:26:49 MST 2010

Evolution is supposed to be for that kind of enterpriseish volume. You can
set gmail to archive piped email so its not broken just trying go test.

On Sep 19, 2010 9:17 PM, "Jim March" <1.jim.march at> wrote:

I've been using GMail through the web interface.  I've just realized
it's dropping data.  It lost something important and I can't have
that.  I'm going to have to suck it all down locally.

I need a mail client that will handle massive piles.  And it has to
allow streaming it all in continuously.  We're talking about almost
6gig.  Thunderbird emphatically won't cut it.  Dunno about Evolution
but I suspect not.  I'm on Maverick.  I have enough embedded
graphics/PDFs/etc. to deal with that I need something GUI vs. terminal

Any clue what I should try?

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