talking linux for PPC (G3 Lombard)

Technomage_Hawke technomage.hawke at
Sat Sep 18 02:21:55 MST 2010

I tried adriane knoppix. it still has a lot of work needed on it. There didn't appear to be a lot of documentation for using it in a shell (especially where trying to get a screen review to work). The X desktop was even worse, I couldn't access anything without a mouse (which I can't use). 

I need a version of linux that will work out of the box and be installable on my old powerbook G3. I really would like to have that unit working. 

I am looking around for other distributions for the blind, but so far, a lot of them require some visual assistance to install and configure (a definite sticking point for me). I might need some help from the plug list on this. otherwise, I have a paperweight for a portable that won't work with a later version of OS X.

- Eric

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