How to get audacity to record internet sounds?

Technomage Hawke technomage.hawke at
Tue Nov 16 19:17:48 MST 2010

I would be interested in doing this myself (even if I compile linux code in OS X to do it). 

the only problem is that any X app I compile here will not be voiceover accessible, so I really do need a operating linux OS to do this on. I am not even sure yet if Audacity will even be orca compliant. guess I need to find out on the powerbook.


On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:41 AM, joe at wrote:

> How can I get audacity to record sound that I play on the internet?
> I just installed audacity and tried to record a sample sound on a website
> but got the following error message"
> "Error while opening sound device. Please check
> the input device settings and the project sample rate."
> Please see the screen capture at the following link:
> As you can see, the Audacity help page says: "In the drop-down menu on
> Audacity's mixer toolbar, choose "Wave-Out" or "Stereo Mix" as the input
> source."
> I'm not certain which drop-down menu they are referring to, but I assume
> that it must be the one shown in the screen capture that lists: "Vol,
> Line, Mic, CD, Line1, Phone in, Phone out, and Video."  I could not find
> any other drop down list or either "Wave-Out" or "Stereo Mix" or anything
> like those terms on the Audacity interface as shown.
> So what do I need to do to get Audacity to record sounds that I can play
> on Internet websites?
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