Westside Stammtisch Details

ChasM Marshall chasm750 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 16 18:16:43 MST 2010

  I just want to verify location and time of the next
Westside Avondale/Goodyear informal "Stammtisch" meet.
"Sal's Tusan Grill" on McDowell at 7:00 pm this Thursday the 18th?
Or is that "Tuscan"...  Or is that Wednesday the 17th?
The PLUG website needs work.  It's calendar thinks today is the 17th.
I think today is the 16th (in the PM).

Multi-Boot vs. VM:
  There's been some talk about using Win XP in Linux VM emulation 
for developing/debugging web pages.  Specifically, for that buggy M$ I.E.  
This method may be OK when using XP's Internet Explorer, 
but what will you do when M$ upgrades Vista and Seven but not XP?
Vista and Seven do not allow running in VM (by E.U.L.A. license).
Microsoft ain't stupid.  XP is about ready for the upgrade cascade.
  Lately, the "ntfsresize" utility has been wonderous with NTFS partitions.
Instead of VM, I do not hesitate to recommend a "grub" multi-boot 
(using a newer M$ system) to avoid when XP's I.E. becomes 
yet another software-war casualty.
  I recently aquired an 80Gb laptop and have set it up as multi-boot.
Currently it's a work-in-progress, but XP and Fedora 12 are so far
happy together, with room for Win98 and a second major Linux distro.

  I'd love to show it off, and discuss grub's capabilities at the meet.
So, where and when is the next Westside Stammtisch?  Really.

  (-:  Chas.M.  :-)
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