OT: HowTo Gpartd Windows Mirrored Drives to Expand Usable Space?

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Tue Jun 22 12:13:57 MST 2010

More like 'portable' than 'laptop' then, I suppose.
I refer to mine as a 'deskbook'. ;)

Stephen wrote:
> Desktop replacements aren't known for battery life.. unless you count
> the shortest possible... SLI graphics raided HDD and sometimes Desktop
> CPU's.... you get the idea.
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
>> I should think that'd put a real strain on the battery. Unless of course
>> they're SSDs. :)
>> Stephen wrote:
>>> I have built several including a few with 3 drives in raid 5. they do
>>> exist, just not common unless you get into some of the more desktop
>>> replacement systems. most mainstream Tier 1/2 vendors just use one to
>>> save space/cost/complexity
>>> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
>>>> Lisa Kachold wrote:
>>>>> Gee,
>>>>> Anyone know an easy tool or procedure to make a standard Laptop C and D
>>>>> drive no longer mirrored instead 2 usable drives?
>>>>> I heard a rumor that you can boot into say Knoppix and use gpartd?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Office: (480)307-8707
>>>>> AT&T: (503)754-4452
>>>> That doesn't sound right. Are you sure that the drive D is a mirror, and
>>>> not
>>>> a recovery partition? Mirroring to a separate partition on the same drive
>>>> would seem to me to be pointless, and I've never heard of a Laptop with 2
>>>> HDDs.
>>>> --
>>>> -Eric 'shubes'
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> -Eric 'shubes'
>> ---------------------------------------------------

-Eric 'shubes'

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