PLUG Steering (Was: Re: hey jmz! (and the rest of you guys!) :))

Technomage technomage.hawke at
Sun Jul 18 14:08:09 MST 2010

On 7/18/10 9:57 AM, Alan Dayley wrote:
> OK.  I joined PLUG in May, 2000.  It has a Steering Committee then and
> has had one continuously to today.  Maybe you are referring to
> pre-2000 time.
oh yeah.  hmm, I thought it had disbanded. teaches me to pay attention . :)

> Confession: The current truth is that the Steering Committee is
> semi-active.  I have mostly moved on to other community groups
> (Ignite Phoenix, Gangplank events, Phoenix Scrum User Group).  Others
> have been busy with many things.  From my point of view, the Steering
> Committee needs to become more active again.  I am not the one to
> drive that as I have my free time focus elsewhere.
heheh. yeah. lately, I am in that boat. Trying to find a job (any job) 
that will pay the bills.
>> That founding occurred back in mid 1998. most of the list didn't start
>> getting seriously archived until early 1999.
> I understand it was founded earlier than that, around 1996.  Rusty
> Carruth was one of the original PLUG members.  I work with him at my
> employment.  I'll have to ask him Monday about the founding date.
ok. I may be a couple of years off. my memory has been kinda shot lately 
(when I have difficulty
with even simple bash scripting, there is a problem).
>> I kn ow Der.hans was pretty much in there from  the beginning (you still on
>> list Hans?).
> Hans is still around.  He posts about meetings, etc. in this list
> quite regularly.  He chairs bi-monthly PLUG planning meetings on IRC
> every other Sunday evening.  He's still working for the group.
hmm. ok, looks like I need to check my mail settings. I am not seeing 
some of the plug list(
spamassassin may need clearing again).
>> I haven't seen any notices for a west side meeting in
>> some time though
>> (you still doing that tuna?).
> West side meetings now take place at DeVry University, when there is
> someone to make sure there is a speaker.  They have not always been
> held every month of late because of a lack of a solid organizer.
> Hopefully that will change.
I hope so. I really miss hitting the meetings.
> Calls for west side speakers and meeting organizers go out every
> month, usually written by Hans.
hey Hans, speak up and say Hi will ya? :)

Anyway, we need to get the groove back. this list has started getting 
quiet. more tech discussions and news
linux related. :)

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