Why does 'ssh' and 'scp' work to one and not another?

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Fri Feb 12 10:34:06 MST 2010

craig last wrote:

echo "----- \n Marking my place in the logs \n -----" \  >> /var/log/secure
echo "----- \n Marking my place in the logs \n -----" \  >> /var/log/messages
then try to login, then look at the logs - after the marks you just made.

Here's the result:

For secure:
----- \n Marking my place in the logs \n -----
Feb 12 10:24:01 localhost crond[24469]: pam_unix(crond:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Feb 12 10:24:01 localhost crond[24469]: pam_unix(crond:session): session
closed for user root
Feb 12 10:25:01 localhost crond[24552]: pam_unix(crond:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Feb 12 10:25:01 localhost crond[24552]: pam_unix(crond:session): session
closed for user root

For messages:
----- \n Marking my place in the logs \n -----
Feb 12 10:24:01 localhost crond[24470]: (root) CMD (  
Feb 12 10:24:43 localhost sshd[24518]: Failed password for joe from port 34485 ssh2
Feb 12 10:24:46 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Feb 12 10:25:01 localhost crond[24553]: (root) CMD (  

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