How to 'rsync' from one computer to another

JD Austin jd at
Wed Feb 3 13:50:14 MST 2010

Here is a fairly good example that syncs everything in the /newdrive
directory from one computer to an other preserving permissions and ownership
and deleting files on the target that don't exist anymore on the source.
It excludes anything that looks like 'Norton Ghost Backup' and the
lost+found folders.  It also limits the bandwidth to 500k to prevent
saturating the local network.

rsync -avz --delete --rsh=ssh --stats --progress --bwlimit=500
--exclude='*Norton\ Ghost\ Backup*' --exclude='*lost+found'
jd at* /newdrive

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:43 PM, <joe at> wrote:

> What is the procedure and syntax to 'rsync' all of a specific set of
> directories and files from one computer to another that are on the same
> network?
> I have been burning DVDs on one computer and copying those files onto my
> other computer(s), but when I download all those files, the permissions
> are all changed to be non-writeable files and directories.
> -r--r--r--  1 root root   9598 Feb  2 15:18 filenames
> dr-xr-xr-x  5 root root   6144 Feb  2 21:06 directory-names
> Is there some way to globally fix that?
> Or would 'rsync' be a better solution?
> I've never used 'rsync' and after reading the 'man' pages, I'm still
> confused.
> Is there a way to do this to preserve the file dates and only copy those
> files that are newer (have more recent dates) onto the target system?
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