East side Stammtisch at NEW LOCATION

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Mon Aug 23 17:34:12 MST 2010

I know there are people that usually show up that are willing to at 
least get you to the nearest public transit location.

How about it?... Anyone willing to haul a person or two, to the rail on 
their way out?  I would be willing to do it myself, but the rail isn't 
anywhere near my way home, and I'm quite often the last one to leave at 
2 in the morning, so it wouldn't work timing wise.

Alternatively, is there any bus connections that someone could drop you by?

Admittedly, we did forget about looking for near by bus/train locations 
when selecting this location.  It's pretty much the perfect locations 
for everything else we were looking for, and since it was extremely hard 
to find any other locations that met the other basic criteria you really 
can't blame us too much for overlooking public transportation.

Brian Cluff

On 08/23/2010 04:31 PM, William Lindley wrote:
> Horrible location.
> Can't get back from there on public transit.
> Needs to be in downtown Tempe or Phoenix, preferably on the trolley line.
> \\/
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