East side Stammtisch at NEW LOCATION

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Mon Aug 23 01:57:38 MST 2010

The east-side Free Software Stammtisch will no longer be meeting at 
Boulders on Broadway.

Starting on September 21st the we will be meeting in the Banquet Room of 
Iguana Macks (1371 N Alma School Rd, Chandler, Arizona 85224)

The banquet room is on the righthand side of the building in the back. 
It's up 2 steps and through a set of double door... you shouldn't be 
able to miss it.

At the new location we'll have a private room so we won't have to shout, 
high speed wireless (I tested it personally to 7Mbps), and probably most 
importantly... tons of available parking!  It's even got a screen for a 
projector if we need it.

Food and drink, as always, will be optional, but I suggest you come 
hungry as the food here is excellent.  I suggest you try the calamari... 
it's some of the best I've had.

I've attached a flier to pass out to anyone you know that might want to 
come, and a copy of their current menu.

See you there,
Brian Cluff
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