How to use 'convert' to change several from png to jpg?

Brian Cluff brian at
Mon Aug 9 23:46:55 MST 2010

The imagemagick suite of software comes with a nice utility called 
mogrify in a nut shell it does what convert does, but it does it to the 
files directly.  The best part is, that is takes all the same arguments 
as convert.

Try simply doing:
mogrify -type jpg -resize 900 -quality 90% *.png

and all your PNGs will become jpgs

You could also do it the brute force method with convert:
for I in *.png; do
	convert -resize 900 -quality 90% $I ${I%.*}.png
	rm $I

Brian Cluff

On 08/09/2010 10:42 PM, joe at wrote:
> I use the following script to convert a batch of images to a uqiform width
> of 900 pixels.  It works fine ... but how do I need to modify it to do the
> same task but also convert all the originals that are .png files to .jpg?
> mkdir 900
> find -type f -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -r -0 -ixxx convert -resize 900
> -quality 90% xxx ./900/xxx
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