new west side location or cancel?

der.hans PLUGd at
Sun Sep 20 23:14:44 MST 2009

Am 17. Sep, 2009 schwätzte David Huerta so:

moin moin,

I haven't seen anything resolved for this.

We need a meeting place for this month by Monday afternoon or we should
cancel the meeting.

Starting next month, we need to be in a new, regular location.

> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:42 AM, der.hans <PLUGd at> wrote:
>> When I've asked recently the DeVry campus at I-17 and Dunlap has come up
>> multiple times. Anyone have a contact over there that might sponsor us?
>> Would DeVry give us wireless access along with a room that has a
>> projector?
> DeLUG's incoming Prez is working on finding a faculty adviser for
> DeLUG.  I'd imagine he/she would also be willing to sponsor PLUG
> meetings on campus.  They don't have public wireless access on campus,

That would work for me.

> but a few of the rooms have wired ethernet jacks built into the
> tables, although since their latest bit of remodeling, that might not
> be the case anymore. :(  All the rooms do have projectors, though.

We could supply an AP for use during the meeting if DeVry is fine with that.

>> Any other location suggestions? Anything we can have confirmed by
>> tomorrow?
> The ASU West Campus Library might be a good spot.  They have study
> rooms with some limited wifi and I think also projectors.  DeLUG had a
> few meetings there in the past.  Its on Thunderbird and 47th Ave.

DeVry is much closer to a freeway, so a better option IMHO.

>> Close to a light rail stop could be beneficial.
> Eh, most of the west valley rail stations are in the 'hood and there's
> not too many places along 19th Ave I can think of that would have
> proper meeting facilities.

Well, DeVry isn't too far from the end of the rail line :).

The stop on Camelback isn't too far from Rosie's :). Wouldn't work for the
under 21 crowd or for presentations.

There's probably something at 7th St and Camelback or 7th St and Thomas.
Those location aren't really all that west-sidish nowadays.


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