Jerry Davis jdawgaz at cox.net
Tue Sep 8 21:08:33 MST 2009

On Tue, 08 Sep 2009 20:39:35 -0700
Joseph Sinclair <plug-discussion at stcaz.net> wrote:

> Jerry Davis wrote:
> > I wish the old konsole was back, I had a whole bunch of ssh terminals I went
> > into and automatically renamed the terminal tab. now NO ONE seems to know
> > how to do it - a LOT of ideas and theories on how it is supposed to -- but
> > no one with knowledge of how to do it.
> > 
> You can get the title in Gnome Terminal switched by having the command set
> the title.  You just have to echo the correct escape sequence (this goes back
> to the old VT100 commandset). A quick hack is to have a shell script that
> runs the ssh command set the prompt to the hostname, then run ssh, then set
> the prompt back (although the remote shell is perfectly capable of echoing
> the same escape sequence to change the title itself as well). Here's an
> example script: #!/bin/bash echo -ne "\033]0;${1}@${2}\007" ssh ${1}@${2}
> echo -ne "\033]0;$(whoami)@$(hostname)\007" the \033]0; and \007 pair are
> what set the terminal title.
> You could even have the remote system do the reset by echoing the desired
> string in the .bashrc (check for an interactive terminal before doing that,
> though).

thanks for the lesson in gnome terminal. But we were talking of KDE here, and I
was talking about the kde terminal specifically.

Hobbit Name: Pimpernel Loamsdown
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I wonder if I should put myself in ESCROW!!

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