West Side Meeting -- TONIGHT!!

Lyle Tuttle L.tuttle at cox.net
Wed Oct 28 11:49:14 MST 2009

Re:  West Side PLUG Meeting:  This is our first meeting in our new 
location, ie, DeVry University -- we need PEOPLE to attend.  DeVry is 
making an effort to accommodate us -- let's make sure their efforts 
are not in vain.....<G>

PLUG will be meeting tonight in room 233. The address is DeVry 
University at 2149 W. Dunlap (just east of I-17). Park in visitor 
parking (across from the flagpoles). Come in the door on the 
southwest corner of the building and proceed east down the hallway to 
the elevator. Take the elevator to the second floor. Turn left after 
exiting the elevator and turn left (north) again down a long hallway 
and look for room 233 on the right. It is a few doors down the hallway.
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