loading fresh system from rpm list?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Nov 23 13:08:29 MST 2009

From: "Steven A. DuChene" <linux-clusters at mindspring.com>
> I have been requested to load a duplicate system based on the
> list of rpms present on the original system. This is a CentOS
> based system so I looked at the kickstart file but rather than
> working with a list of rpms it uses a list of higher level
> packages

If it's CentOS/Redhat/Fedora, take the original install log, which
should be in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg , then use that as a base to
create the new machine's kickstart file.  Or do "yum list installed"
and get a list of all the packages that yum knows about.  There's
probably something similar for up2date.  This may not work if you
have things that were installed without yum's knowledge.

> Does anyone know of a tool that would allow me to do a fresh
> load of a bare system based on a list of desired rpms?

I've got a kickstart file here that creates a fairly minimal
system.  Put together something like that, then put the RPMs you
want somewhere, and do "rpm -U *.rpm" on those.  But I'd go for
the option in the first paragraph myself.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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